Taiba Holding invites its shareholders to attend the AGM (1st meeting)

Board of good management is pleased Holding to invite shareholders to attend the Ordinary General Assembly meeting of the twenty-ninth to be held, God willing, at six o’clock on Wednesday evening 1436/03/09 H, corresponding to 2014/12/31 C at the headquarters of Taiba Holding in Medina – the intersection of King Road Abdullah (the second ring) with the new road of Sayed Al Shuhadaa to consider the following: The election of a new Board of Directors consisting of (9) members for a term of (3) years starting from 1/1/2015 in accordance with the provisions of Article (17) of the Statutes of Taiba Holding. Note that the vote would be a way that the cumulative voting and that the presence of the mentioned association is limited to the shareholders’ owners of twenty shares or more, and may each shareholder – under the text of the power of attorney prepared for that – hire other shareholders to attend the meeting mentioned, provided the agent a member of the Board of Directors or a staff not to be good as required the validity of the power of attorney to be in writing and certified by one of the chambers of commerce and industry, or a local bank account that the shareholder or the employer in the event as a point of eligibility should ratify the validity of the official signature of one of the chambers of commerce and industry, attaching a copy of bouncing The ownership of the shares and the arrival of Tiba headquarters in Madinah before the meeting meeting at least three days, note that each shareholder or his representative must bring proof of his official identity and prove ownership of his shares and attend at least one hour before the meeting to complete the registration process, noting that the number of shares representing The regular quorum for the meeting is equivalent to (50%) of the number of shares issued (75,000,000) shares.