Tiba Holding invites shareholders to attend 25th Annual General Meeting (Reminder)

The Board of Directors of Taibah Holding Company is pleased to invite shareholders to attend the 25th Ordinary General Assembly Meeting, which will be held at the will of Allah at 8:00 pm on Tuesday, 13/1/2011 at the headquarters of Taibah Holding in Madinah – Abdullah (the second ring) when meeting with the street of Sayed Al-Shuhadaa to consider the following: Election of a new Board of Directors for a period of (3) years starting from 1/1/2012. The shareholder may, by virtue of the power of attorney, prepare for the appointment of other shareholders to attend the said meeting provided that the agent is not a member of the Board of Directors or a member of the Board of Directors of Taiba. The power of attorney is also required to be in writing and certified. From one of the chambers of commerce or industry, or one of the local banks to which the shareholder is an accountant or the employer. In case of being a civil authority, the signature of the official should be authenticated by one of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry and accompanied by a copy of proof of ownership of the shares. The meeting shall be held for at least three days. Each shareholder or his representative must present his official identity and prove his ownership and attendance at least one hour prior to the meeting. The number of shares representing the quorum for the meeting is 75,000,000. (50%) of the issued shares.